Event: Clean Energy Investment and Avoiding Transition Risks

May 23 this year, the Danish 92 Group, in collaboration with SustainableEnergy and Both ENDS, organized the conference Clean Energy Investment and Avoiding Transition Risks as part of Nordic Clean Energy Week.
Below is the event program and presentations from the speakers.

Program (pdf version)
13:00 Welcome and facilitation
Louise Rouse, facilitator

13:10 Transition risk in government policy
The Danish Parliament recently decided to use Paris-compatible scenarios whenever relevant. The decision is based on TCFD recommendations, but also on recent experience of Danish state investment that appear to be stranded asset.
Rasmus Nordqvist (MP), Alternativet (presentation)

13:25 Making Financial Flows Consistent with the Paris Agreement
Making finance flows consistent with climate goals is a part of Paris Agreement. Investors and financial experts are now beginning to reduce their own economic risks but also to be part of the solution.
Laurence Tubiana, CEO of the European Climate Foundation and a key architect of the Paris agreement (video intervention)

13:40 The energy system of the future is decided by investments today
Energy investments determines what energy system we have in the future. Investment decisions are influenced both by the scenarios in IEA’s World Energy Outlook report – a key resource for analyzing the energy system, and, since 2016, the IEAS’s World Energy Investment Report.
Michael Waldron, Energy Investment Analyst at the IEA, Lead Authour of the IEA World Energy Investment Report (presentation)

14:05 The global investor movement accelerating the sustainable energy transition
Moral and legal arguments are making investors divest from fossil fuels and invest in the sustainable energy transition. DivestInvest is a movement of investors who are are shifting the discourse on energy transition.
Sian Ferguson, Trust executive at the Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts. Sian Ferguson has worked with other trusts and partners in the US and Europe to establish Europeans for Divest Invest (presentation)

14:30 Economic self-interest drives investors to investing in line with Paris
Fossil companies that remain fossil are no longer an economically attractive asset for investors.
Henrik Jeppesen, Carbon Tracker, Head of Investor Outreach North America (presentation)

15:00 Panel: Views from investors and asset managers: What changes are still needed to bring investments in line with the Paris Agreement?
- Troels Børrild, Head of Responsible Investment MP-Pension
- Søren Larsen, Head of Socially responsible investment, Nykredit
- Kasper Billy Jacobsen, Chief Portfolio Manager SparInvest
Dialogue with speakers and audience

15:50 Concluding remarks
Troels Dam Christensen, Head of The Danish 92 Group, on behalf of the organizers: SustainableEnergy, Both ENDS and The Danish 92 Group.

Om 92-gruppen

92-gruppen - Forum for Bæredygtig Udvikling er et samarbejde mellem 25 danske miljø- og udviklingsorganisationer, der blev dannet i forbindelse med FN's Miljø- og Udviklingskonference i Rio de Janeiro i 1992.


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